Top Tax Deductions

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At Green Tree Tax we pride ourselves on being the best professional tax help in Houston.

Here are some Top tax deductions

In this paragraph, we are going to talk about some of the main deductions you can claim for your business. In addition, we have been serving Houston for the past 5 years, through full competency and professionalism. Call us today for corporate tax preparation as well as individual income tax too.

ThinkstockPhotos-494424540-300x200 Top Tax Deductions Auto Expenses

Firstly, as a small business owner, you can deduct some of your automobile expenses. Such as vehicle expenses and work automobile-related expenses are deductible if you are using it in business. Moreover, always keep track of all your business-related automobile use. There may be a chance also to deduct a certain amount for mileage. As a result, you may also deduct tolls and parking costs. If you need any tax preparation help contact us today.

Second top tax deductions are entertainment Expenses

Secondly, you may deduct for entertaining clients and as well as prospective business contacts. However, this is possible as long as the purpose of the event is to gain more customers or keep the current clients. The most common entertainment expense is when taking business contacts out for meals.

Travel related Expenses

If you travel a lot for work, you are in luck! You can deduct some of your travel expenses. These expenses include airfare, taxi, lodging, meals, calls, and faxes. However, if you are not aware your expenses, contact us for tax return help.

Charitable Donations

In some instances, depending on the type of company, you may be able to deduct for charitable donations. If your company is a Partnership, S-Corporation, or Limited Liability Company you can deduct for cash donations.

Advertising and Marketing Expenses

Advertising and marketing costs directly related to your business may be deductible. Some of these may include business cards, radio, television or print ads, and promotional activities.

Software Deduction

You can deduct software purchases for your small business if you purchase and use the new software within the same year.

Equipment Expenses

Additionally, small business owners often have a good amount of equipment. So, deducting equipment expenses is key. Also, some equipment that you may be able to deduct includes personal computers, laptops, and office furniture.

Contact us at Green Tree Tax we are the tax professional you want to talk to, so call us at 713-354-9432 to learn more about tax planning and saving tips.

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